Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Your Face Tells a Thousand Signs of Your Health.

Nowadays, when I look at someone, I will pay special attention to one's skin tone, blemishes, pimples and look out for liver spots.

These are tell tales signs of how strong or weak our internal organs are. Unlike our stomach it will protest if we over eat, our stomach to protest and make us feel sick and one can experience indegistion. Some of our organ do not prostest out by making us feel unwell, but continue to work harder and harder to detox just like our liver. How can we know if we overworking our liver.

Here are our tell tales signs on our face. One would have pimples, blemishes, age spots or liver spots usually more often on our left cheek. How to overcome this skin problems? You need to change your diet. One should give up heavy food such as meat, deep fried food, Prata or chanai, ( I know they are so irresistable especially the Roti Tissue at Kayu.) Forgo your wine..

Instead have some leafy greens, you can enjoy the salads of danelion, chicory, avocado, radicchio, squeeze some lemon juice and olive oil, salt and pepper. Sprinkle a little pine nuts over it. Voila .

Have a wonderful day.

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