Friday, April 16, 2010

You Dont Need Meat to Nourish Your Body

Just like humans, all vegetables comes in different colours, shapes and size. Some are deem cold, cool to warm and heat. Although most vegetables are ying there are some yang vegetables as well.

What does colours means? What is the going to do in my body?

Spinach, Carrots, chillis pepper pods, mustards, cabbage, cauliflower sweet potatoes,mushroms, fungus, lingzhi. These vegetables are beneficial for our 5 main organs, namely Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and kidney.

Some chinese people tend to have a misconception that by eating the same type of organs from and animal it will help to nourish the same organs that one has. (In cantonese the saying goes Yi yeng po yeng). In actual fact that is more harmful to consumer. If you eat a pig's liver to enhance the energy (Qi/chi) of the liver that is wrong. When a pig is led to a slaughter house, the poor animal is aware of its environment and situation that the animals is secreting alot of fight or fright hormone and the liver has to detox it and you eat that pork liver you are consuming toxins so how can you be norish by it. Think about it... come back for more

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